The Inner-Outer Mirror: A Thought Experiment in Information Being Reality
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The Inner-Outer Mirror: A Thought Experiment in Information Being Reality

As I dove deeper into the concepts that would eventually form my book "Information Beings," I stumbled upon a fascinating realization: the inner world mirrors the outer world in more ways than we might imagine. This isn't just a metaphorical observation but a potential key to understanding how we, as Information Beings, interact with and shape the Holoverse around us.

Let me invite you into a thought experiment, one that you can also physically test in your own life.

The Hypothesis

Imagine our consciousness as a complex information processing system, constantly exchanging data with the vast information field that constitutes our reality—what I call the Holoverse. In this model, our internal state isn't just a subjective experience; it's an active participant in shaping our external reality.

The question then becomes: If we consciously alter our internal information patterns, can we observe corresponding changes in our external environment?

The Thought Experiment

Picture yourself grappling with a persistent issue in your life. It could be anything—a challenging relationship, a career roadblock, or a general sense of dissatisfaction. Now, imagine that this issue isn't just a problem to be solved but a pattern of information that's out of alignment with your desired reality.

What if, by "debugging" this internal information pattern, you could induce a ripple effect that reshapes your external circumstances?

The Physical Experiment

Here's where we move from thought to action. I propose a simple yet potentially powerful experiment:

  1. Identify an area of your life where you feel stuck or misaligned.
  2. Instead of directly addressing this issue, engage in the deepest cleaning and reorganization of your physical space that you've ever done.
  3. Scrub floors, polish windows, declutter shelves, and rearrange furniture with intense focus and intention.
  4. As you clean, consciously let go of possessions you haven't used in a specific timeframe (you decide the duration).
  5. Consider playing music or a podcast during this process. Although your conscious mind may be occupied, your subconscious will use this time to process and problem-solve, especially when your conscious mind is "tuned out."

The Rationale

In the framework of Information Beings, this isn't just tidying up. You're actively restructuring a significant portion of the information field that constitutes your immediate reality. By altering your physical environment with intention, you're sending a clear signal to your internal information processing system—and potentially to the broader Holoverse—that you're ready for a fundamental change.

Moreover, the act of cleaning provides your subconscious mind with valuable processing time. While your conscious mind focuses on the physical task or is distracted by music, your subconscious can work on solving problems and generating new ideas related to your identified issue.

Observation and Analysis

As you engage in this experiment, pay close attention to how you feel internally and what shifts you notice externally. Do you experience a sense of mental clarity? Do you find solutions to problems emerging spontaneously? Do you notice changes in your relationships or circumstances?

The key is to observe without attachment, allowing the natural flow of information between your inner and outer worlds to unfold.


This experiment, simple as it may seem, encapsulates a profound question about the nature of our reality and our role within it. Are we passive observers of a fixed external world, or active participants in a dynamic, information-based reality that responds to our internal state?

As we explore these ideas further in "Information Beings," I invite you to conduct this experiment in your own life. Your observations and experiences could provide valuable insights into the nature of our existence as Information Beings in the vast, interconnected Holoverse.

In a reality where everything is information, even the smallest changes in our internal patterns could have far-reaching effects. So, grab that mop, declutter that closet, and let's see what ripples we can create in the fabric of our reality. You might be surprised by the solutions and insights that emerge when you give your subconscious mind the space to work its magic.