Introducing An Unfiltered Video Journey Through Silicon Valley and Beyond
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Introducing An Unfiltered Video Journey Through Silicon Valley and Beyond


I spent the past 24h hacking on a new YouTube vlog series concept, This project stems from a desire to reconnect with my roots, share my experiences, and bridge the gap between my life in Silicon Valley and my Moroccan heritage.

The Concept is a cultural experiment, technological showcase, and personal journey rolled into one. I invite viewers to join me on runs through California's scenic landscapes or drives through Silicon Valley's busy highways and streets. These unscripted adventures, captured in Moroccan Arabic (Darija), offer a virtual seat through the screen, transforming the series into a reality show of sorts.

The first episode is titled "خرج وقيس الربيع" (Khroj w 9iss rrbi3), which translates to "Go out and touch grass." This Moroccan expression encourages reconnecting with reality and grounding oneself, encapsulating the spirit of the entire vlog.

Note: For non-Darija speakers, I apologize for the language barrier. However, I hope the visual storytelling and energy conveyed still offer an engaging experience. Depending on the reception, I might consider dubbing or translating the content into other languages in the future. In the meantime, I'll explore ways to make the content more accessible, possibly through subtitles or English summaries.

The Motivation and Inspiration

This series is deeply rooted in the concepts I explore in my upcoming book, "Information Beings". It's an experiment in bridging different information ecosystems and exploring the nature of our collective consciousness in the digital age.

Interestingly, serves as a counterpart to "Information Beings." While the book, written in English, may be inaccessible to much of my Moroccan audience, this video series in Darija reaches those who might not engage with the written work. In this way, similar to how "Information Beings" brings digital and physical worlds together in an information narrative, the video series and the book complement each other—bridging language barriers and diverse audience segments.

I realized YouTube—where my father consumes much of his information—is perhaps the closest thing we have to humanity's collective consciousness repository in 2024. Video format offers the highest bandwidth for information sharing currently available and accessible to the masses. By creating content on this platform, I'm not just sharing my experiences; I'm contributing to and engaging with this vast, dynamic pool of human knowledge and experience.

Moreover, I spend significant time on YouTube myself. This project transforms that consumption into creation, adding my voice to this global conversation. It's an attempt to map the concepts of Information Beings onto real-world interactions and information flows, making these ideas accessible in a different format and language.

The Launch

The response has been incredible. In just 24 hours, I've filmed, edited, and launched three full episodes, totaling 1 hour and 34 minutes of content. Not bad for an honest day's work!

  1. "خرج وقيس الربيع" (Go out and touch grass) I take you along on a 6K run, where I breathe heavily and delve into abstract life topics.

  2. "خوارزميات الجن" (Algorithms of the Jinn) A random meeting with my neighbor explores the intersection of traditional folklore and modern AI.

  3. "العبء والمنفعة" (The Burden and the Benefit) A visit to Target prompts reflections on the challenges and rewards of immigrant life.

I'll be honest—this rapid launch wasn't entirely planned. I've been battling sinusitis, and in my fever-induced state, I found myself on a filming and editing frenzy. Sometimes, the most interesting projects are born from unexpected circumstances, and I always try to make my fevers count.

What's Next

Although I can't promise how long this series will continue, I'm excited about its potential. I'll see what emerges in the coming days—and await my dad's feedback.

These vlogs attempt to create a bridge—not just between Morocco and America, but between generations, traditional wisdom and cutting-edge innovation. They explore how we, as Information Beings, interact with and shape our information environments.

Join the Journey

I invite you to join me:

  • Subscribe to on YouTube
  • Share your thoughts in the video comments
  • Let me know what topics you'd like me to explore on future runs and drives

Here's to touching grass and grounding ourselves in reality, wherever we may find it.

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